What's the scene jellybean?

So here I go blogging away. Everybody's doing it (and I mean e-v-e-r-y-f-u-c-k-i-n-g-b-o-d-y!) So why shouldn't I?

But seriously, 99% of the stuff out there is nothing but a waste of Petabytes, or self-help therapy...(Gee, I'm feeling better already with every character I type...)

What do we intend with our blogs? Most blogs take the form of diaries although these were always meant to be private and personal - not for others to read.

What messages do people want to get across and what are their rationales? What is mine, you might ask... Dunno, to tell you the truth. So, is blogging, as such, fundamentally flawed?

Whatever you read, the key to getting into the (dirty) minds of most bloggers is to understand their predicaments; understand their relationships with mum, dad, et al, around them in their small existences and universes... Most classical literature requires this too. But very few blogs carry the predicate of literariness. Quite the opposite really...

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