The Premeditated Pizza
The young lad with the milky face, God luv him, looks like he's about keel over in front of me. Bus is nearly there, man! Get up! Power of the mind...hhmmmmmm...
But no, he's nodding away, poor child. School sucked the life o' him. More gel in his hair than hair itself so you can see the scalp all around. Protest Boardwear™. Trendy an'all.
Ok, back to thinking about the meeting wi' the missus this afternoon. Nice restaurant. Great food. Croatian bangers and mash. Better than the ones back home. More taste. And a portion of Austro-Hungarian Sauerkraut...
"The customs official was simply being recalcitrant. Pure extortion if you ask me. Asking that kinda money for the import duty of a private painting!" I says to her, downing my second Zlatorog Pivo.
"I'm sorry but I told you this would happen. It's the way it is here. Old red tape left over from empire. Why, you could be dealing with art on the black market, who knows you know. They always have hypothetical arguments in store."
"I'm simply getting my sister's painting, which she painted at the innocent age of 18, to the safety of our flat. It has her name on it and she also sent the value estimation - summing up the cheap canvas and frame and oil paint. But nothing's enough for those guys. They're always making up something to get money out of you."
"By the way, there's pizza in the oven for you when you get home. You know what to do in exchange don't you?" "Yes of course, darling I know..."
I see that this is a marital-type sitcom.
Been there, done that, "too old to cut the mustard anymore."
(country music quote)
only one thing left to say:
Will he still need you,
Will she still read you.
When you're 64?
(pop music allusion)
Now for a
SERIOUS literary blog,
check mine out
And, seriously, little Irish colleen and her mate:
I enjoyed your whole comedy, up through the leprechaun today, immensely.
I'm glad Ms. Catwoman has dropped by... Hope us leprechauns haven't rubbed anybody up the wrong way... Send me sth good for me to post here? Tasted blood?...
You-uns leprechaun types
in no way offended me.
I wrote a post on my own site especially to spread the word of how
entertaining Gabe-and-Sandra are.
About something for you to post, how do you mean for me to send it?
And, by your February 9 article, I see that you can be quite serious and timely, in addition to knowing how to be entertaining and funny.
Cat-Woman Extraudinaire
Sthg good to post here?
With a taste of blood?
Satire at its best, even if a bit old-fashioned in style. :)
Yes, I like it. of our national prides. Incidentally you'll find plenty of travel literature from great writers such as the likes of Heinrich Böll etc., who write about their travel experiences in 18th, 19th and 20th century Ireland. One recurring theme is seeing preschool-age children standing on the verges of roads with bottles of Poitín in their hands... Gabe
More info re. that here: Bourke, E. 2001, 'Paddy and Pig: German travel writers in the "Wild West", 1828-1858', Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, vol. 53, pp. 145-155.
Thanks a mil, Gabe!
You are obviously more widely read than I am in this area, so I appreciate your pointing me to these authors that I didn't know about.
Off to get acquainted with them now.
Plenty more where that came from... ;-) Glad to be of inspiration...
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