Love is in the air

Sent a few "secret-admirer" Valentine poems to meself, as a warming-up for Wednesday (or for the sake of being 11 again...):

Roses are red
Violets are blue
The world is round
And so are you

Roses are red
Trees are green
When I see you
I feel a pain in my....

Violets are blue
Roses are red
God, am I tired
I'm off to bed

And I got this one from my Catwoman friend Mary:

Heartland is red
And the coast states are blue,
But politics
Is still full of pooh.

Make love not war,
It can be said,
Remains a good motto
To take to bed.

Burma Shave


Mary said...

Heartland is red
And the coast states are blue,
But politics
Is still full of pooh.

Make love not war,
It can be said,
Remains a good motto
To take to bed.

Burma Shave



Mary said...

Hi Gabe!

Thanks for showcasing my little effort.

The Purring Cat-Woman