Little Red Riding Hood...defamiliarised
Along came Wolf and sat down beside her.
“Get up to anything last night?”
“Na, was over at me mate’s and we got absolutely locked. Am still a bit rough. You out last night?”
“Was over at the witch’s place. She took out a bottle o’ Tullamore and you can imagine the rest. Was out clubbin’ at the weekend wi’ the mates and Sammy almost got into a happy-slappin’ session with one o’ dem lumberjacks. Think somebody’s already posted it on the Internet”
“Was that yer man, the same bloak that was hittin’ on Gretel down at Angel’s, Saturday night? Could’ve shot him. He’s got the missus an' kids at home an’all… Wha’ a nerve…”
“He’ll get his comeuppance, nae worries. So, you over to Granny’s?”
“Yea, just bringing her the messages. What you up to?”
“Over to the city council to draw me dole. Wanker’s have cut it again. Am down to 100 Bob a week. Just about pays the bleedin’ rent.”
“Yea, what’s the new buzzword they use? Rationalisation? Ma’s and Gran’s welfare’s been cut as well and now I’m down working at the witch’s sister’s shop after school just to make ends meet.”
“And what about yer Da?”
“He was laid off down at the woodmill. The sector’s been hit hard and now he’s nae payin’ up anymore. Heard Hansel and Gretel’s Pa lost his job too.”
“God, where are we headin’ like this… Just get yer bleedin’ exams girl! Only way outta this rut for ya. Times aren’t the way they used to be when I was a cub. Well I’d better be off then. You goin’ out tonight?”
“Might be over at Gran’s for a game o’ poker later. Call over if ya feel like it.”
“Rightio. Catch ya later over at Gran’s then.”
Hi Gabe,
you've left a comment on my blog ( and so here's what I think.
Your blog's kind of funny with interesting writing. Just a little critique here (I hope you're not offended by my opinion):
For the masthead/title header, maybe something with writing pencil/pen and some words that may describe your blog and a touch of the Irish -- maybe a four-leave clover or something personal you may have laying around. I would always go with the obvious because most people glance at the header for a couple of seconds. I don't know about the Red type on green background - it's kind hard to read. Some people might take offends to the mooning image others not so much. For me I would keep it as clean as possible. Of cause that's up to you.
Do you want it to be a personal blog of just your opinions or do you intent on inviting people to write for your blog as a team member? You seem to have two authors already - Gabezattemptatablog and Sandra.
If you would like me to design some headers for you, let me know.
For my blog it's about my interest and whatever I would recommend to people (film, music, events) and my photography and some of my opinions. So it's more of a personal blog. Anyway, it's entirely up to you.
I like your approach to the traditional fairy tale - while a very simple and quick concept, you utilise contemporary dialogue and defamilarise the narrative nicely.
If your aim is to bring the fun back (and when had it gone??), then you're doing a good job.
Unskilled Poet
Thanx a lot for your positive review. Always good to get such feedback from a "cohort" ;-)
I hope to be writing more soon as I've been sidetracked recently by things of lesser importance such as work...
Greets, Gabe
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